Uncle Sonny Initiative 501c3 is an organization offering community service and family oriented events in North and South Carolina. Our goal is to provide events and services to families with children ages 7 to 17 that focus on the wellbeing of the children, introduce them to new activities and emphasize their importance in the community. We encourage them to challenge themselves academically, be active in their communities and Transfer the Pain into Power in all that they do. We educate them on our core value of “Unity, Community, You and Me” so that they know the value they bring to their families and communities.

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to you today to ask for your support for our organization's mission. Our core values are Unity, Community, You and Me. It takes all of us to make an impact, a difference and Transfer The Pain Into Power. No matter what we go through in life, we can take a negative and make it a positive.

We believe that every child deserves an equal opportunity to succeed in life, and with your help, we can make this a reality. Your contribution will go towards funding programs such as back-to-school resources, community outreach events, and Mental Health programs.

Your support will make a difference in the lives of these children and their families. Your contribution, no matter the amount, will help us continue to provide these valuable resources to those who need them most.

Thank you for considering our organization for your charitable giving. Your generosity will make a positive impact on our community and the lives of those we serve.


Uncle Sonny Initiative

Click the link here or the flyer above to make a contribution.

Our 2nd annual community bowling party at Strikers Family Sports Center in Rock Hill, SC was a success. This is truly Unity, Community, You & Me at its finest!

A huge thank you to the community members who came out to show support.

Click the picture or this link to see the video recap.

Uncle Sonny Initiative Book bag 4th Annual Giveaway 2024 Recap at Champion’s Lifestyle Barbershop Lugoff SC

A huge thank you to everyone in the community who came out to get their Pain & Power Productions book bag and nap sack. Let’s start the school year giving the kids the supplies they need to be great!

Another thank you to the Uncle Sonny Initiative board members who made the day a success.

It takes Unity, Community, You & Me to help others Transfer The Pain Into Power.

Click here or the picture to watch the video recap.

Pain & Power Productions Hike - “Love is free. This is what Unity, Community, You & Me looks like. Even though we are on our our journey in life. We are not alone. The harder the climb the closer the community came together. The laughs, the smiles, the sharing of food and water, the sharing of energy and love. Together we will Transfer The Pain Into Power.” - Sonny Champ

Hadassah Henry, an Uncle Sonny Initiative board member, lead the group and set the pace to the top of Crowders Mountain. Uncle Sonny, President of Uncle Sonny Initiative, lead from the rear to ensure no one was left behind. Along the journey Uncle Sonny spoke to all the community members to get to know everyone, explained the purpose of the Pain & Power Productions brand, the importance of coming together and emphasizing we are not alone. He kept chanting “This is a pace not. a race” along the way.

Click here or the photo above to watch the video recap.

Uncle Sonny Initiative would like to thank Deborah Denise, the owner of @blockloveclt, for allowing us to partner with their organization and provide care packages to the Charlotte community.

It was definitely an honor for the youth in our organization to be apart if making a positive impact and understanding the importance of serving others.

Also a huge thank you to the Uncle Sonny Initiative board members for always being one band one sound when we touch ground.

This collaboration was a perfect example of our core values of Unity, Community, You & Me.

Thank you to Rachel Rosenfield for representing the MHA (Mental Health America of Central Carolinas) sharing her life testimony and providing education, tools, and resources when dealing with Mental Health issues. We would also like to thank personal trainer Chico (Bodied By Chico) for showing the community how important exercise is and how it helps with having a positive attitude and mindset. Our Mental Health Awareness 5K Walk/Community Kick Ball Game was a success because of both of your organizations. This event emphasizes our core value of Unity, Community, You & Me.

Leading up to the day, the Uncle Sonny Initiative in Charlotte hosted a Mental Awareness Family Fun Day and 5k Walk in partnership with Mental Health America of Central Carolinas. The nonprofit focuses on events and community service for people ages 7 to 17. 

We have to have a brighter future than our present," founder, Sonny Champion said. "So that's why we focus on the youth."

Champion started the nonprofit three years ago under his business Pain and Power Productions. His slogan is "Transfer The Pain Into Power."

"No matter what we go through in life, we have to take a negative and turn that into a positive," Champion said. "I'm living proof of what the slogan really stands for."

Champion says he has battled depression at several stages in life. His own niece and nephew became motivation for him to make sure they had positive outlets in their lives, eventually growing into the Uncle Sonny Initiative.

WHO's 2023 report says depression, anxiety and conduct disorders are the leading cause of illness and disability in adolescents. The report says each U.S. dollar invested in preventing and treating mental illness in youth could return around $24 in health, education and employment benefits over 80 years.

At the 5K, Champion passed out goody bags with green mental health awareness ribbons, pens, wristbands and a pocket size journal so kids have an outlet to express themselves wherever they go. 

"We're pretty much raised to swallow and bury what we go through to the point where we're adults and don't even understand why we are the way we are," Champion said. "So, that's why what we're doing is so important."